70th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Berkenau, Poland

I visited the Auschwitz-Berkenau Nazi death camp the day after Christmas 2 years ago with a friend. It was sobering. If I ever think I am having a bad day, I will remind myself that even my worst days would have been a relief for the victims of the extermination camps. Most of the photos which I took speak for themselves.

No words
No words
Being rounded up for the trip to Hell
Being rounded up for the trip to Hell
Last stop, Hell
Last stop, Hell
Tracks to hell
Tracks to hell
Cattle car stuffed with dozens
Cattle car stuffed with dozens
One-way cargo
One-way cargo
No toilet, no water, no ventilation
No toilet, no water, no ventilation
German Horror Story- Auschwitz
German Horror Story- Auschwitz
Work makes you free
Work makes you free
Almost impossible to escape
Impossible to escape
They weren't playing
They weren’t playing
The barbed wire is creepy
The barbed wire is creepy
the sign is ironic
The sign is ironic
Music to help the counting
Music to help the counting
Eye glasses
They took their last drink out of these
They took their last drink out of these
Travel bags
Travel bags
Their shoes
Their shoes
Personal items
Personal items
Shaving brushes
Shaving brushes
Child's clothing
Child’s clothing

One picture we were not allowed to take was of the room behind a glass wall filled with nearly 2 tons of human hair.

Shower room where they were gassed
Shower room where they were gassed
Poison gas canisters
Poison gas canisters
Construction model of crematorium
Construction model of crematorium
Upwards of 40,000 per week were exterminated this way
Upwards of 40,000 per week were exterminated this way
17 year old
17 year old
She lasted 4 months
She lasted 4 months

Je ne suis pas Charlie

Tribute to Charlie Hebdo
Tribute to Charlie Hebdo on The Simpsons

My mother taught me to never say anything bad about someone that you wouldn’t want them to say about you. And so it is with religion as well. I could find lots of mean things to say about other religions, but I choose not to. I appreciate the freedom to express an opinion, even if it is mean, profane, ignorant or just plain stupid. But that right doesn’t make me immune from consequences.

Free speech has consequences
Free speech has consequences

Religion is a wonderful thing for many people. It gives meaning to their lives. It unifies people. It often brings out the best in humanity. But it can also warp some people to commit crimes in the name of their religion to justify darker motives. This is an old story.

However, no one deserves to be murdered for simply expressing an opinion about a religion with a cartoon, regardless how offensive.

While I may have the right to express a negative opinion about the Prophet Muhammad, I don’t believe it serves any greater good to do so.  Therefore, I will say something positive about some of the world’s major religions.

Major world religions
Major world religions

Buddhism: I appreciate that you get more than one chance through reincarnation to finally get it right and achieve enlightenment.

Hinduism: I like how the progress toward enlightenment is measured by the karma you accumulate based on good and bad deeds in life. Islam: I respect that Muslims believe in one creator who is just, omnipotent and merciful and, by submitting to God, believe they will return to Paradise after death.

Judaism: I like that Jews believe in the inherent goodness of the world and its inhabitants as creations of God and do not require a savior to save them from original sin.

Christianity: I am amazed that nearly one-third of the world’s population views Jesus Christ as a teacher, a model of a virtuous life, a revealer of God, and a saviour of humanity.

Atheism (not technically a religion): I am impressed with people who can live good lives and not believe in a God at all.

Is there an afterlife for ideas?

Do eternal truths ever die?

Some people are threatened by ideas
Some people are threatened by ideas
Unity for the idea of freedom of expression
Unity for the idea of freedom of expression
All is forgiven
All is forgiven

Which is more offensive??

the satirical cartoon caricature of the Prophet Muhammad or,

the massacre of  nearly 2000 innocent Muslims and Christians by the African Islamic militant group Boko Haram, in the town of Baga, northern Nigeria?


Where was the outrage?
Where was the unity march of international outrage?

Requiem for a chicken

My dear friend Mary Lou was house sitting the past few days and experienced some unnecessary drama. Tragically, Evangeline, one of the hens in the back-yard chicken coop, froze to death. She never made it into the new year, but lived a good life in 2014.


RIP Geraldine!
RIP Evangeline!


Quite fortunately however, Mary Lou discovered some scratchings on the floor of the coop and was able to copy and decipher the scribblings. As best as she could determine, the chirography appears to have been Evangeline’s New Year predictions in no particular order of importance:

  1. Gasoline will drop to 1 dollar per gallon.
  2. Hillary Clinton will finally announce her run for president.
  3. The summer will see new heat records broken and water rationing in California.
  4. The Pope will appoint an openly gay cardinal.
  5. The Russian economy will crash and be bailed out by Obama.
  6. Justin Bieber will finally act like a grown man.
  7. No legislation will be passed in the US Congress.
  8. Air Malaysia flight 370 will not be found.
  9.  ISIL will be defeated in Syria and Iraq.
  10. The OSU Buckeyes will win the national title.

I actually hope Evangeline is correct on some of these! We will just have to wait and see if that old girl knew what she was clucking about.